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BIOSPERE VR: Motivating and entertaining people

Motivating and entertaining people BiosphereVR is a pioneering project using 360-degree, immersive film, also known as virtual reality (VR). Through this experience, you are taken on a ’virtual field trip’ to an array of distant places around the world where Climate Change is already showing its opposing face. This experience enables you to connect with distant crises as if they are close enough to touch.  Each journey is based on six different virtual reality experiences. Each episode is narrated by a local witness from each respective geographical region. These captivating witnesses are accompanied in their storytelling by stunning imagery and…

6 ways VR & AR help you fight Climate Change

If someone is still concerned whether the use of technology in our daily lives could be right or wrong, it needs to chill immediately. It has been revealed now that, not only technology does exactly what it has been created for, which is helping humans in their everyday tasks, but especially new technologies like VR and AR play an important role in fighting climate change. It’s true there is no Planet B, but there is Planet A(R).Augmented reality has been revealed to be a relevant hi-tech tool in the environmental sector, thanks to its ability both to raise awareness about…