BIOSPERE VR: Motivating and entertaining people

Motivating and entertaining people
BiosphereVR is a pioneering project using 360-degree, immersive film, also known as virtual reality (VR). Through this experience, you are taken on a ’virtual field trip’ to an array of distant places around the world where Climate Change is already showing its opposing face. This experience enables you to connect with distant crises as if they are close enough to touch. Each journey is based on six different virtual reality experiences. Each episode is narrated by a local witness from each respective geographical region. These captivating witnesses are accompanied in their storytelling by stunning imagery and amazing music.
VR Talks
In the VR talk, you are taken on a fantastic global journey around the World. During this time you will hear anecdotes, facts, behind the camera stories about tangible climate change.
Great for discussions, green awareness, global-local issues, and climate empathy discussions.
You will sit back. Listen to the words and at certain times you will wear the VR headset that illustrates the terms with personal experiences. Here, you will meet protagonists from various countries that look you straight in the eye and tell their stories illustrated by mesmerizing pictures of changing landscapes, affected nature and a development that needs to be turned around.
People have said that the experience in 3D VR is “more real than real”. First-time users say that the landscapes of the experiences become part of their dreams at night.
The talks can be adjusted to fit the audience or the purpose of the larger event. E.g. they have been used to promote science to the general public in Copenhagen, to open the eyes of the green tourism industry in Norway, engage the youth in China, create awareness in Bonn and Glasgow, to trigger green innovation in Silicon Valley and many other things.
“100% of girls in grades 7-9 reported improved motivation levels for working with STEM subjects following their experience with BiosphereVR”
— Survey
Biosphere in schools with a global outlook
The BiosphereVR experience works great when you want to introduce real life into the schools. They can motivate the students to look for their own answers, motivating them to learn. Tests show a boost in motivation among pupils, especially the girls gain much more interest in STEM subjects if they are related to the problems in the experiences.
In the Biosphere VR teaching materials, the students take the role of research scientists before they travel virtually to the new environments of biosphere VR. Students explore a diverse range of topics through their engagement with the VR experience, including geology, biology, climatology and anthropology to name just a few. Results show that 100% of girls in grades 7-9 report improve motivation levels for working with STEM subjects following their experience with BiosphereVR. This trial has defined the framework for distribution to all Danish schools at present.
Currently, we are working on a EU commission grant for applying Biosphere VR to the the European educational system. Starting of in Finland – The global spearhead dealing with public education. More specifically we are working with the University of Jyväskylä (JYU) who ranked number one in Finland for outstanding educational institution. The results will be released under a talk in Copenhagen on January the 30th. Please contact us for details.
Biosphere has held workshops at Tsinghua University, centre for Lifelong learning in Beijing, China.
Furthermore, VR experiences are currently being used in the US at The Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, the USA to provide students from all over the world with an immersive experience that presents the basis for topical discussions.
Source: Biosphere VR. (n.d.). Biosphere VR.