Category: Uncategorized

EU commitment to sustainable water and marine management

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe declared that “access to water must be recognised as a fundamental human right, being water an essential resource for life on earth that must be shared by mankind”. If the 20th century was the era of the plastic industry revolution for the production of too many products, then the 21st century is the time to address the consequences. Improper handling, lack of information about its negative effect and irresponsible use, as well as the dumping of plastic products, turn this planet into a “plastic planet”. As well as emerging as solid waste,…

Consider sustainable tourism, you may ActNow during your holiday, too

Sustainable tourism Can you imagine not considering nature, the wildlife and the local inhabitants when travelling? Tourism is good for you as you can get out of your everyday life, have some rest, gain new experiences, at the same time it may be valuable for the destination as well in case you plan your trip sustainable. It is recommended to act sustainably and consciously when getting closer to nature, a town or village. The reason we are talking about sustainable tourism in this blog post is that the European Amasonas was announced as a five-country biosphere reserve by UNESCO on…

Does the sea level rise due to climate change play a role in the decision to move the capital Jakarta ?

Sea level rise is one of the most known impact of climate change and affects a lot of megacity around the world. Coastal and riverine floods have been common in Jakarta metropolitan area, on the Indonesian island of Java, leading President Joko Widodoto to announce in 2019, the move of the national capital from Jakarta to the province of East Kalimantan, on Borneo

Sustainability: starting with food!

The European Green Deal sets the ambitious goal of making Europe the first climate neutral continent by 2050. It outlines a new strategy for sustainable and inclusive growth to boost the economy, improve people’s health and quality of life, take care of nature, and leave no one behind. Food is a crucial issue in this respect and the Farm to Fork strategy is one of the cornerstones of the Green Deal. It is a strategy adopted last year that recognises the inextricable link between healthy people, healthy societies and a healthy planet, and so it aims to promote sustainable food…

Next Generation EU: Making Europe Greener by the Recovery and Resilience Facility

The Recovery and Resilience Facility (the Facility) makes €672.5 billion (in 2018 prices) in loans and grants available to support reforms and investments undertaken by Member States. The aim is to mitigate the economic and social impact of the coronavirus pandemic and make European economies and societies more sustainable, resilient and better prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the green and digital transitions. By offering large-scale financial support for investment and reforms, the Facility will better prepare Member States for a sustainable recovery. The RRF entered into force on 19 February 2021. It will finance reforms and investments in…

“What do young Europeans think about the link between migration and climate change?” – Action Aid Report on Greece

According to the results of the survey conducted by ActionAid, in the framework of the pan-European campaign “No to Climate Change, Yes to Climate Change”, young people in Greece would give a vote of confidence to politicians who put climate change at the top of their agenda. The research attempts to investigate the attitude of 15-35 year olds towards climate change and migration. In particular, it appears that the willingness to take action is high, with about eight in ten young people saying that they have voted or would vote for politicians who give priority to tackling climate change and…

Climate Change and Impact

Introduction The problem The Atmospheric and Climate Research Division has been instrumental in providing evidence that the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME) region is a climate change ‘hot spot’ and relating this to public health, ecosystem development and water, to name but a few of the impact sectors considered, and here is why: The EMME is made up of two dozen countries with some 400 million inhabitants. On top of years of intense industrialization, rapid population growth and extensive land conversion, the region is expected to become a global climate change ‘hot spot’ based on results of global climate models. To…

The universalization of ICT contributes to reduction of environmental impact

We must highlight the importance of introducing environmental education in schools and accompanying it with a digital transformation to reduce the impact on the environment. Environmental change starts in education According to several reports from Youth for Climate Action, Environmental issues are of particular interest to young people at an early age, between 14 and 19 years old. In this sense, education is a fundamental tool for creating healthy habits, modifying customs and teaching future citizens that it is possible to live on this planet with more responsible and sustainable consumption. It is essential to promote good environmental practices among…

Climate Strategy Outline of Budapest Municipality, Hungary

Introduction The Metropolitan Local Government in Budapest develops an independent municipal environmental protection program related to the urban environment, its protection and factors endangering the environment in order to protect human health and preserve and sustainably use natural resources and values.One of the main tasks of the Metropolitan Local Government (furthermore local government) defined by law is to regularly assess the environmental condition of Budapest, and then to inform the population about it annually.In addition to the professionally controlled information of the population, the change directions and tendencies serve as a basis for Budapest’s environmental program for the next period.…

OPEN-ES: Companies united for the energy transition

Open-es, an open business platform for collaboration, sustainable development and energy transition, is born. Announced in December 2020, it has been online since the end of March 2021 and represents a community of more than a thousand companies committed to the sustainability of the entire industrial ecosystem. The platform was launched by Eni, Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Google Cloud as a tool to connect companies, people and organisations in a collaborative ecosystem, which concretely supports development and growth on the dimensions of sustainability. It was presented as a simple, flexible solution, suitable for all realities, based on collaboration, integrability…