Author: wp_8637992

The New High Seas treaty: An historic conquer for the protection of the oceans?

Last week, the world woke up with the sensation that progress is definitely taking place within climate change and environment. News on the breakthrough on the protection of the oceans, reached at UN, seems like an awakening. But in order to understand the changes, the implications and the grey zones of such an historical agreement we need, first, to explore the historical background on the matter. A little bit of historical context The High Seas Treaty is known as the first international agreement that has been carried out for the protection of the oceans. It could be surprising the fact…

Sustainable Entrepreneurship – Munch

Have you ever wondered what will happen to all those leftover baked goods, products that are edible but for some reason they cannot be sold anymore, or food and dishes that were not sold during the day in restaurants? Yes, food waste is a real problem. Did you know that 1/3 of the produced food is not eaten? Yes, it is crazy, but there is a new alternative against food waste! We have a wonderful Hungarian initiative that we can be proud of. is a startup that is the solution for all of us in order to protect the…

Larso – The Solar Butterfly

Have you heard about Larso, the Solar Butterfly? Larso visited Hungary, and Budapest in particular, between 9-11 September 2022 and we had the pleasure to meet him. But who is Larso, the Sollar butterfly? The Solar Butterfly project was set up to achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, so in the spirit of sustainability, this car, which looks like a butterfly with Longi solar panels, is travelling the world, stopping by in cities like Budapest, where they organize these events to make people familiar with sustainability and to explain the project’s goals, and to meet its creator Louis…

How to finance climate change?

In order to respond to the current climate crisis, the major movement of capital in history will be necessary. For the next twenty to thirty years, it will be necessary to invest at least 100 billion dollars to enable the transition to a sustainable and green economy. Not only that, but the world needs three more billion per year in order to attain the Sustainable Development objectives fixed by the 2030 Agenda of NNUU. That was one of the conclusions drawn by the recently celebrated COP 27. Financing the transit towards greener models is necessary, firstly because, without investment there…

Greenwashing: Its lights and shades

Climate change has made that citizens become more and more conscious about its choices when consuming, travelling, … In that regard, the “ecological label” of the products has become a special added value for products and services. For that very reason, brands and enterprises speeded up to develop its own ecological responsibility flagship in order to increase its sales and to improve their marketing strategy. But the fact is that supermarkets and stores are full of “green labels”. Nowadays Europe has up to 230 green labels and as the European Commission stated, more than 50% are not validated. This practice,…

Films promoting climate change awareness

Do you wanna know about climate change, global warming, greenhouse effects and how else we are destroying our planet step by step? Or do you wanna know what can be done to slow this down? Then we got your back and here we have some documentaries and movies to check to be more familiar with these phenomenons and to know how we can help the planet even if we are just 1 person in 8 billion people? Our planet (2019) Our planet is a documentary series with the narration of David Attenborough. These 8 episodes focus on the environment, using…

Fighting deforestation within EU

In the fight against climate change deforestation is one of the main pillars to address. Historically, forests have been immense sources of natural resources, food and have contributed to the preservation of biodiversity as well as to capture C02 from the atmosphere. Nowadays, they still represent the 30 % of terrestrial Surface and they host the 80% of the global biodiversity.[1] However, they are unprotected. We just need to look to what happened to the Amazonia, where deforestation rates have risen up to 50% in the last years. Experts, also note that some parts of the big jungle produce more…

Earth Day – or “who says you can’t change the world?”

Earth Day is coming up soon, so we’ve put together some simple and effective ideas that you can incorporate into your daily life to help protect our environment and reduce our ecological footprint. But first of all, when is Earth Day and what is it all about? It all started in 1969 at a UNESCO conference when John McConnell came up with the idea of Earth Day, which led to the first Earth Day on 21 March 1970, which coincided with the first day of astronomical spring in the northern hemisphere. Earth Day aims to protect the Earth’s natural resources…

Rethinking climate security

As we have seen from the so-popular reports of the ICPP, climate change represents a huge risk for the global stability. Its consequences increase vulnerability around the world and therefore exacerbate climate-security risks. By the time extreme events take place, countries Will experience enormous disruptions. For example, imagine that a typhoon would hit Taiwan or the core of the industrial China. That will affect permanently the global production of semiconductors. Not only that, but the war in Ukraine is having important effects within climate change. In general terms, authors have described the war as the “sustainable development in reverse”.[1] In…

Climate refugees: the invisible ones

2021 and 2022 have been years marked by climate catastrophes. The big floods in China and India, the tremendous droughts in Africa or de recent big storms Eta and Iota in Central America have provoked immense movements of people that escape from the severe consequences of the natural disasters. More recently the earthquake in Turkey is also a wake-up call to the problem of the so-called climate refugees. In 2022 the forced migration due to climate causes accounted for 20 million people. Not only that , but the High Representative of United Nations Agency for refugees (ACNUR) considers 1,2 billion…