Title: ActNow Photography Exhibition Winners
On the 14th of March, CARDET hosted the Multiplier Event of the ActNow project, where it was combined with a photography exhibition. More than 20 individual submited their photos with a total of 90 photos. The jury was consisted by three individuals, experts in their field. Jury no.1, Marios Iosifides, a professional photographer, evaluated the photos on the photography techniques and characteristiscs. Andreas Georgiou, Innovade manager, evaluated the photos on the aspect of link with sustainability. Ourania Kyriakou, Terra Cypria employee on climate change, evaluated the photos on the aspect of the message of the photo and impact.
After the jury vote the winners were:
1st Place – Christiana Xatzipavlou – Photo Title: “Hope”
2nd Place – Christos Kollakides – Photo Title: “Rising temperature”
3rd Place – Erodotos Kakouris – Photo Title: “Save Forests from Climate Change”
4th Place – Kyriakos Stoupas – Photo Title: “Dessertification”